Saturday, July 22, 2017

Dual-Colors of Steam Buns


Group A

  • 80g of all-purpose  flour    80 克普通面粉/面粉
  • 80ml of water    80毫升水
  • 1 tea spoon of instant yeast    1茶匙速溶酵母

Group B

  • 100g of all-purpose  flour    100 克普通面粉/面粉
  • 25g of cake flour/ low protein flour    25 低筋麵粉
  • 30g of custard sugar    30 砂糖
  • 10g of shortening    10克白油
  • 50ml of butterfly pea extract   50 毫升蓝花蝶汁

Group C 

  • 100g of all-purpose  flour    100 克普通面粉/面粉
  • 25g of cake flour/ low protein flour    25 低筋麵粉
  • 30g of custard sugar    30 砂糖
  • 10g of shortening    10克白油
  • 50ml of pandan leave extract   50 毫升班兰汁


  • Red bean paste    红豆沙    


  1. Place all of the ingredients from Group A into a mixing bowl and knead into a smooth dough by hand (around 10 minutes).    把 Group A材料都倒入盘用手揉成光滑面团(约10分钟)。
  2. Roll the dough into a ball. Let it sit in a warm spot and goes for 30 minutes proofing.    把面团搓成球状,置在温暖处发酵约30分钟。
  3. Cut the dough into 2 portions and place them into 2 separate containers.    将面团分两份放入个别的盘里。
  4. Place all of the ingredients from Group B into one of the containers from previous step and knead into a smooth dough by hand (around 10 minutes) to become blue dough.   把 Group B材料都倒入之前的步骤其中一个盘,用手揉成光滑蓝色面团(约10分钟)。
  5. Place all of the ingredients from Group C into another container from step (3) and knead into a smooth dough by hand (around 10 minutes) to become green dough..    把 Group C材料都倒入之前的步骤(3)另外一个盘,用手揉成光滑青色面团(约10分钟)
  6. Roll out the blue dough to a thin layer. Do the same for  green dough. Stack all of them nicely and roll into a log.    面团和青面团各别杆薄片,叠在一起然后卷成长条。
  7. Cut the log into 12 portions. Take one of them and roll out into circular disk, then place some red bean paste in the middle and wrap into steam-bun shape.    长条切12份,取一份杆薄包入红豆沙馅料
  8. Do the same for the rest.    其余同样步骤包上红豆沙。
  9. Place the buns in a warm spot and go for second proofing (approximate 20-30 minutes).    包好的包子置在温暖处发酵(约20-30分钟)。
  10. Bring the water in steamer to boil. Put in the buns and steam for 10 minutes. Off the heat and with the lid on for another 10 minutes. The steam buns are good to eat now.    煮滚蒸笼的水,再放入包子蒸10分钟。熄火继续焖10分钟即可。

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