Thursday, May 25, 2017



  • 1 egg    1 顆蛋
  • 20g of custard sugar    20克幼糖
  • 135ml of milk    135 毫升牛奶
  • 125g of self-raising flour    125克 自发粉
  • 30g of butter (melted)    30克牛油(溶化)
  • a pinch of salt    少许盐
  • few drops of vanilla essence    数滴香草精


  1. Sift the self-rising flour.     自發粉过筛。
  2. Separate the egg yolks and egg white into 2 containers.    把蛋黃和蛋白分別放入兩個容器。
  3. Group A: Put the egg yolks, salt, vanilla essence and milk into mixing bowl and hand whisk to blend the ingredients. Fold in the self-rising flour, then follow by the butter and well mix to have a smooth batter     把蛋黃﹑盐,香草精和牛奶倒入盆﹐ 用手打蛋器打勻。拌入自发粉再加入牛油,搅至均匀光滑的面糊。 
  4. Group B: Place the egg white into a clean bowl. Beat the egg white few seconds, add 1/2 of sugar until completely dissolve. Repeat the step for the balancing sugar.    蛋白倒入干净的盘里打至起泡泡,倒入1/2的糖攪拌至融化。重複此步驟直到所有糖倒入和攪拌融化。
  5. Beat the egg white mixture to stiff peak .     繼續攪拌蛋白霜至硬性发泡。
  6. Fold in 1/2 of egg-white mixture into egg-yolk batter, then pour back into balance egg-white mixture and well fold-in.     把1/2 蛋白霜拌入蛋黃糊,然後倒回其余蛋白霜里拌均匀。
  7. Heat up the non-stick pan (no oil or butter needed). Scoop 1 table spoon of batter and place in the centre of the pan.    燒熱不沾鍋(不需抹上油)。舀一湯匙麵糊倒在鍋中央。
  8. Turn over the pancake when the top begins to bubble.    當麵糊表面充滿氣泡即可翻面。
  9. The pancake is done when both sides are golden brown.    麵糊的兩面煎至金黃色即可離鍋。
  10. Serve with syrup/condense milk/honey/butter when they are still hot.    吃時可淋上糖漿﹑煉奶﹑蜜糖﹑牛油。趁熱吃﹗﹗   

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