Saturday, May 10, 2014

Moist Chocolate Cupcakes

I've tried few recipes to make the moist chocolate cakes but they seem not really work to me. Luckily my colleague gave me another recipe, and the output is awesome!! 

Well, the recipe she gave is right after this...


Group A

  • 2 cups of self-rising flour    2 杯自发粉
  • 1 cup of cocoa powder    1 杯可可粉
  • 2 tea spoons of soda bicarbonate    2 茶匙苏打粉

Group B

  • 1/2 cup of custard sugar    1/2 杯砂糖  (warm reminder/溫馨提示: 3/4 cup of custard sugar if you want a sweeter taste    如果你要甜些的口味﹐ 可用3/4 杯砂糖)
  • 1 cup of condensed milk    1 杯炼奶
  • 1 cup of cooking oil    1 杯菜油
  • 1 cup of hot water    1 杯热水
  • 4 eggs    4 颗蛋
  • a splash of vanilla essence    少许香草精 


  • 300g of condensed milk    300 克炼奶 
  • 4 table spoons of cooking oil    4 汤匙菜油
  • 40g of cocoa powder    40 克可可粉




  1. Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl. Add 1/3 of the sugar and beat with mixer till it dissolved. Do the same for the balance sugar.    把蛋液放入盆内, 加入1/3砂糖搅打至溶化。 继续加入另一份1/3的砂糖打至溶化;再加入最后1/3砂糖打
  2. Beat the mixture till fluffy. This process would take roughly 5 minutes.    继续至所有的糖完全溶化和泛白
  3. Sift the Group A 3 times.    Group A的粉类过筛3回。
  4. Pour in the condensed milk into the egg mixture and stir well.    把炼奶倒入蛋糖液搅和。
  5. **Add 1/3 of the sifted Group A and stir. Then follow by 1/3 of cooking oil**. Repeat the part **  2 times for the balance Group A and cooking oil.     倒进1/3Group A粉类一边转盆一边划十字轻轻拌匀, 然后倒入1/3菜油拌匀。重复这两步骤直到所有粉和油拌和。
  6. Finally add the hot water and vanilla essence. Stir the batter gently to avoid the lumps remain in your cake.     最后加入热水和香草精拌好,以确保面糊顺滑没块状。
  7. Pour the batter into paper baking cups.    把适量面糊倒入纸杯子。
  8. Steam the cakes to fully cooked.    置入蒸锅蒸至熟透。 


  1. Bring a pot of water to boil.     煮滚一小锅水。
  2. Pour the topping ingredients into a big bowl and stir well.    将topping的材料全倒入一大碗里搅匀成巧克力糊状。
  3. Place the bowl on top of the pot and turn to low heat. Keep on stirring the mixture to prevent it from burning on the bottom.    把大碗置在小锅上,然后把火调低。持续搅拌巧克力糊以防烧焦黏碗底。
  4. It is done when the mixture is shining and thick yet runny without clumping.  当巧克力糊变成丝绸般幼滑有光泽又不太浓稠的巧克力酱即可熄火

Final Touch-up

  1. Let the cakes cold down.    让蒸好的杯子蛋糕冷却。
  2. Spoon the chocolate topping and spread on top of each cake.    舀适量巧克力酱淋在蛋糕上即可。


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